
Getting started

Install TrustDB.

npm install trustdb

Import the package into your app.

const { db } = require('trustdb');
import db from 'trustdb';

Connect to the database, given a filepath and desired settings.

await db.connect({
  filepath: '/path/to/file.json',
  autosave: true,
  autosaveInterval: 10000,
  restoreSettings: false,
  overwriteExisting: false,

Create a collection.

const collection = db.createCollection('repository_collection');

Optional: add event listeners for events like autosave, insert, find, remove or update.

The first parameter for collection events will always be an array of altered or returned documents, no matter which method was used.

// Parameter `err` will be undefined on success.
db.on('autosave', (err) => {
  if (err instanceof Error) {

collection.on('insert', (insertedDocs, allDocs) => {
  console.log(`Number of documents in ${} after insert: ${allDocs.length}`);

collection.on('find', (foundDocs, allDocs) => {
  console.log(`Number of matching documents found in ${}: ${foundDocs.length}`);

collection.on('remove', (removedDocs, allDocs) => {
  console.log(`Number of removed documents in ${}: ${removedDocs.length}`);

collection.on('update', (updatedDocs, allDocs) => {
  console.log(`Number of updated documents in ${}: ${updatedDocs.length}`);

Use schemas.

// Register a schema for this collection.
  url: 'string',
  title: 'string',
  description: {
    __value: 'string',
    __optional: true,

Insert documents.

// Some example documents.
const repositories = [{
    url: '',
    title: 'TrustDB',
    description: 'Lightweight in-memory and persistent JavaScript/JSON database.',
  }, {
    url: '',
    title: 'LokiJS',
    description: 'Fast document oriented javascript in-memory database',

// Insert them as an array or each document as an individual parameter.
  url: '',
  title: 'Node.js',
  description: 'Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome\'s V8 JavaScript engine.',

// Inserting a document into this collection missing a property,
// having a surplus of properties or mismatching types will throw an error.
collection.insert({ invalid: 'document' }); // => Error: Failed to validate document

Search for documents.

// Use query objects or custom filter functions to find matching documents.
collection.find({ description: { regExp: /lightweight/ } });
collection.find((doc) => /lightweight/.test(doc.description));

collection.findOne({ title: { regExp: /js$/i } });
collection.findOne((doc) => /js$/i.test(doc.title));

// Find a document using its ID.

Sort your results.

// Note the second parameter is set to `true`.
// It will return a `Results` instance you can sort, limit, map and so on.
collection.find({ title: { regExp: /javascript/i } }, true)
  .map((doc) => {
    return {
      tags: [ 'javascript' ],

Remove documents.

// Remove all documents that match the given object.
// Pass in `true` as the second parameter to only remove the first matching document.
  url: '',
  title: 'Node.js',
  description: 'Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome\'s V8 JavaScript engine.'

// Use query objects or custom filter functions to find matching documents.
collection.remove({ title: { startsWith: 'Trust' } });
collection.remove((doc) => doc.title.startsWith('Trust'));

collection.removeOne({ title: { startsWith: 'Trust' } });
collection.removeOne((doc) => doc.title.startsWith('Trust'));

// Remove a document using its ID.

// Clean the collection using the registered schema.

Update documents.

// Update all documents that match the query with another object.
  { description: { regExp: /database/ } },
  { tags: [ 'database' ] }

// Update all documents with your own custom filter and update functions.
  (doc) => /runtime/i.test(doc.description),
  (doc) => doc.tags = [ 'runtime' ]

// But you can obviously also combine the two features.
  (doc) => /runtime/i.test(doc.description),
  { tags: [ 'runtime' ] }

// Update a document using its ID.


  • filepath: Filepath for the database. Database cannot be saved if omitted. Can be added at any point in time after connecting successfully.
  • autosave: Whether the database should be automatically saved.
  • autosaveInterval: Interval for the autosave (in milliseconds).
  • restoreSettings: Whether it should restore settings from the loaded database, if it exists. Any additional settings will overwrite the loaded settings.
  • overwriteExisting: Whether the existing database (same filepath) should be overwritten.

Query functions

  • equal
  • notEqual
  • strictEqual
  • strictNotEqual
  • deepStrictEqual
  • deepStrictNotEqual
  • greaterThan
  • lessThan
  • greaterThanOrEqual
  • lessThanOrEqual
  • startsWith
  • endsWith
  • typeOf
  • lengthOf
  • between
  • regExp
  • dateCompare
  • hasProperty
  • includes
  • notIncludes
  • instanceOf
  • includedIn
  • notIncludedIn

Usage examples

All of these same queries can of course also be applied to the findOne, remove and update methods!

In these examples we will find all documents, where the value of propertyA or the property itself:

// equals 30, 30.0, '30', etc.
collection.find({ propertyA: { equal: 30 } });

// equals exactly 30
collection.find({ propertyA: { strictEqual: 30 } });
collection.find({ propertyA: 30 })

// is the exact same object { a: 1 }
collection.find({ propertyA: { deepStrictEqual: { a: 1 } } });

// ends with 'ing'
collection.find({ propertyA: { endsWith: 'ing' } });

// is of type 'number' (only primitive types and array)
collection.find({ propertyA: { typeOf: 'number' } });

// has the length of 5 (array, string or set)
collection.find({ propertyA: { lengthOf: 5 } });

// is between 5 and 10 (order of the numbers does not matter)
collection.find({ propertyA: { between: [ 5, 10 ] } });

// matches the regex pattern 'something', case insensitive
collection.find({ propertyA: { regExp: /something/i } });

// equals the date '1/1/1970' (can also be a Date object)
collection.find({ propertyA: { dateCompare: '1/1/1970' } });

// does not exist
collection.find({ propertyA: { hasProperty: false } });

// does not include 10 (array or set)
collection.find({ propertyA: { notIncludes: 10 } });

// is an instance of Date (won't work with custom instances after loading a database)
collection.find({ propertyA: { instanceOf: Date } });

// is included in [5, 10, 20, 40] (array or set)
collection.find({ propertyA: { includedIn: [5, 10, 20, 40] } });

Advanced usage examples

You can use logical operators which will concatenate the result of queries for a specific property. For example, and, which is the default, makes sure every query result is truthy or the document won't pass. On the other hand, or will make sure that at least one of the query results is truthy.

The available logical operators are:

  • and
  • not
  • or
  • nor

To utilize one of these logical operators, assign it to the property $op (standing for operator).

Furthermore, it is also possible to apply a logical operator to a specific property aka. it's queries.

Example #1

Usage of the logical operator or to concatenate each query result.

  propertyA: { startsWith: 'duck' },
  propertyB: { startsWith: 'duck' },
  $op: 'or',

Explanation: this will return all documents which have a property named propertyA with a value that starts with duck or propertyB with a value that starts with duck.

Example #2

Usage of the logical operator not to concatenate each query result as well as the operator or within the query for the property propertyA.

  propertyA: {
    typeOf: 'array',
    lengthOf: 5,
    $op: 'and', // `and` can also be omitted
  propertyB: {
    greaterThan: 100,
    lessThan: 50,
    $op: 'or',
  $op: 'not',

Explanation: this will return all documents which do not have a property named propertyA with a value that is an array and has the length of 5 and not a property named propertyB with a value that is either greater than 100 or less than 50.